On 8/30/2018 9:43 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
On Thu, 30 Aug 2018 06:01:26 -0700, Tim wrote:

I saw a thread on reddit/python where just about everyone said they
never put code in their __init__ files.

Pfft. Reddit users. They're just as bad as Stackoverflow users. *wink*

Here's a stackoverflow thread saying the same thing.

That's new to me. I like to put functions in there that other modules
within the module need. Thought that was good practice DRY and so forth.

Its fine to put code in __init__.py files.

If the expected interface is for the user to say:

result = package.spam()

then in the absence of some specific reason why spam needs to be in a
submodule, why shouldn't it go into package/__init__.py ?

Of course it's okay for the definition of spam to be in a submodule, if
necessary. But it shouldn't be mandatory.

And I never do 'from whatever import *' Ever.

The reddit people said they put all their stuff into different modules
and leave init empty.

Did any one of them state *why* they do this? What benefit is there to
make this a hard rule?

Did anyone mention what the standard library does?

Check out the dbm, logging, html, http, collections, importlib, and
curses packages (and probably others):


tkinter.__init__ has 'from tkinter.constants import *' and has the code defining tk widgets, among other things. tkinter/ has submodules for ttk, fonts, and other optional facilities. The setup is partly for historical reasons, but is partly intended and not a bad design for a module with 'main' stuff and 'optional' stuff.

The user interface would be the same if widget code were in tkinter.widgets with .__init__ containing 'from tkinter.widgets import *'.

Terry Jan Reedy


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