On 2018-08-30 17:57, pjmcle...@gmail.com wrote:
On Thursday, August 30, 2018 at 9:28:09 AM UTC-4, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
On Thu, 30 Aug 2018 05:21:30 -0700, pjmclenon wrote:
> my question is ... at the moment i can only run it on windows cmd prompt
> with a multiple line entry as so::
> python createIndex_tfidf.py stopWords.dat testCollection.dat
> testIndex.dat titleIndex.dat
> and then to query and use the newly created index as so:
> python queryIndex_tfidf.py stopWords.dat testIndex.dat titleIndex.dat
> how can i run just one file at a time?
I don't understand the question. You are running one file at a time.
First you run createIndex_tfidf.py, then you run queryIndex_tfidf.py
Maybe you mean to ask how to combine them both to one call of Python?
(1) Re-write the createIndex_tfidf.py and queryIndex_tfidf.py files to be
in a single file.
(2) Or, create a third file which runs them both one after another.
That third file doesn't even need to be a Python script. It could be a
shell script, it would look something like this:
python createIndex_tfidf.py stopWords.dat testCollection.dat
testIndex.dat titleIndex.dat
python queryIndex_tfidf.py stopWords.dat testIndex.dat titleIndex.dat
and you would then call it from whatever command line shell you use.
> ..or actually link to a front end
> GUI ,so when an question or word or words is input to the input box..it
> can go to the actiona dnrun the above mentioned lines of code
You can't "link to a front end GUI", you have to write a GUI application
which calls your scripts.
There are many choices: tkinter is provided in the Python standard
library, but some people prefer wxPython, PyQT4, or other GUI toolkits.
Steven D'Aprano
"Ever since I learned about confirmation bias, I've been seeing
it everywhere." -- Jon Ronson
thank you for the reply
actually your response was pretty much exactly what i am trying to do
so i will explain what i meant more better
also i will have to learn shell script cuz i looked it up online and it seems i
have to download something and then some other stuff....unless you have the
short steps on how to write a shell script for a win 7 cmd prompt to call 2 or
more python scripts
so what i meant to say in my 1st post is i have to 1st run the create index
program , which i have to run as so:
python createIndex_tfidf.py stopWords.dat testCollection.dat
testIndex.dat titleIndex.dat
i tried b4 a while ago to run the .py file alone but it returns index out of
range errors..so thats why i have to run it with the other 4 .dat files
it takes a few minutes to build the index and then the prompt returns me to the
folder im in and
then i run this:
python queryIndex_tfidf.py stopWords.dat testIndex.dat titleIndex.dat
same reason as b4 , i cant run just .py file alone , as it returns index out of
range errors
so that takes another few more minutes and then the cursor keeps blinking and i
have to adjust the script some how because i just wait till i can try to input
a query at the blinking cursor
so for example..hello world
and it will return the titles up to 100, cuz thats the max returns i put in the
so thats completetly perfect what you said ..create a 3rd script..a shell
script to call the total i beleive its 9 files in total.....but like i said i
dont know shell scripting , so i will try to learn it ..hope its not too
complicated...or i can make a 3rd python script ...but not sure how to call the
2 python files and 7 .dat files...sorry even though its a year or so i know
python..still get lost on import and from and include directives
as for the GUI ok i will check out your advice..cuz actually i do have a GUI
version of this program here..and i wanted to merge them..but its seeming to be
complex...i would rather make the GUI for this program cuz its actually exactly
as i like it
thank you for any more explanation on how i can make and run the 3rd merge file
On Windows you can create a .bat batch file.
Put what you would enter at the command line into a plain textfile and
give the file the extension ".bat".
Then, to run it, just type the name of the file on the command line.