"Evil Bastard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Hi,
> Has anyone done any serious work on producing a subset of python's
> language definition that would suit it to a tiny microcontroller
> environment?

remember there was some work done for minimizing py1.5.2 for mics. see
Google.  even bare py1.5.2 would be possible with about 1.5MB overhead
statically compiled.
remember an own short trial on a AMD SC400 with Embedded Linux. all in 4 or
8 MB or so.

but Py2.x's became big nasty beasts with also nasty memory behaviour.

guess py1.5.2  is still very nice, tiny and fast for mics.  Happy to have a
good basic script lng you won't use new style / meta classes / iterators

> Is it even possible to devise a tiny python subset that has at least
> some of python's advantages, but at the same time can be compiled to
> low-footprint resource-lean code?
> And could such a mini-python be worth using over C, Forth, etc?

guess so if your app has  non-trivial complexity: Faktor 5 in programming
speed and clarity of code - if you can grant 0.5..2MB overhead.

but guess you still need some 1%..5% C for time critical stuff.



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