Michael Sparks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Valentino Volonghi aka Dialtone wrote:
>> Michael Sparks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Would it be useful for people to start trying out their modules/code to
>>> see if they work with this release, and whether they can likewise be
>>> translated using the C/LLVM backends, or would you say this is too early?
>>> (I'm more thinking in terms of it providing real world usecases in the
>>> hope of finding things that don't work - rather than anything else)
>> This is not how it works. 
> I beg to differ - it is how it can work (just not the default or currently
> recommended). 

The chance of any random module you have written being rpython is more
or less zero, so it's not _that_ interesting for you to try to compile
them with PyPy.

> """You can also use the translate_pypy.py script to try out several smaller
> programs, e.g. a slightly changed version of Pystone:
> cd pypy/translator/goal
> python translate_pypy.py targetrpystone
> """
> Which is pretty cool of course. For those of interest running pystone with
> the pypy compiled native binary has the following results for pystones on
> my machine:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/pypy-0.7.0/pypy/translator/goal> ./pypy-c
> debug: entry point starting
> debug:  argv -> ./pypy-c
> debug: importing code
> debug: calling code.interact()
> Python 2.4.1 (pypy 0.7.0 build) on linux2
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> (InteractiveConsole)
>>>>> from test import pystone
>>>>> pystone.main(1000)
> Pystone(1.1) time for 1000 passes = 13.97
> This machine benchmarks at 71.582 pystones/second
> The same results for CPython:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/pypy-0.7.0/pypy/translator/goal> python
> Python 2.4 (#1, Mar 22 2005, 21:42:42)
> [GCC 3.3.5 20050117 (prerelease) (SUSE Linux)] on linux2
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>>> from test import pystone
>>>> pystone.main()
> Pystone(1.1) time for 50000 passes = 1.58
> This machine benchmarks at 31645.6 pystones/second
> Obviously therefore anyone seeking to translate their existing code from
> python to an executable directly using pypy would not be doing it for
> performance reasons (again, something I'm aware of watching the
> updates come out and having run svn checkouts at previous times).

No, you're still operating at the wrong level here (very easily done).
This is the _translated PyPy_ interpreting pystone.  If you run a
_translated pystone_ you'll (hopefully) get a different, faster

In expected order of execution speed:

interpreted pypy interpreting pystone
translated pypy interpreting pystone
cpython interpreting pystone
translated pystone

> Anyway, whether it's sensible or not I'm going to play with translating some
> of my modules :)

Whatever floats your boat :)


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