Please try to preserve the attribution lines of previous authors. The inner quote below comes from Steven D'Aprano.

On 21Jul2018 15:13, Ganesh Pal <> wrote:
(1) Since this function always returns True (if it returns at all), what
is the point? There's no point checking the return result, since it's
always true, so why bother returning anything?

If  I don't return anything from a function it returns None.   But would it
be better if for the  function  i.e modify_various_line(f) to  atleast catch
or handle exceptions and log it for debugging purpose

Usually not.

Problems with this approach (catches and logging, and _concealing_ the exception from the caller) include:

1: the primary one is: if you do this, the caller will never know that anything went wrong

2: there isn't necessarily any logging setup anyway - small function should not need to know or care, otherwise they're hard to test and may make a lot of unwanted noise

Most functions do not know the larger programme context - it is therefore not possible to decide how to handle all exceptions. So unless the exception is anticipated for some specific situation, it is better to let it excape for the caller to handle (or not).

Look at your example function:


def modify_various_line(f):
   """ Try modifiying various line """
       f.write('0123456789abcdef')     # Go to the 6th byte in the file
       print, 2) # Go to the 3rd byte before the end
   except IOError as e:
      logging.error("Error: got %s" , % (str(e)))

This function returns None regardless of success or failure. Generally for a function like this, which doesn't return a "result", you want it to return on success and raise an exception on failure. In that way, the caller can presume things are good if no exception occurred.

Here you print an error message to the log and return None anyway.

Firstly, your error message has no context: there's just an IOError in the log, so nobody can review the log and know what the error is associate with. If the IOError had been allowed to get out, the caller could have responded appropriately (or not, letting the exception further out to someone who can, or aborting the programme if nobody deals with it). This isn't as bad as it sounds; that abort is a symptom of a genuinely unanticipated error, which should be either understood properly and handled, or the invoker of the program should respond to its termination. In a sense, your whole programme is itself a function - if it didn't work, the person invoking it needs to find out.

Secondly, because you catch the error, the caller has no way to know the function did not accomplish what the caller expected. That is "silent failure",
and generally a bad thing.

Consider this trite function:

 def get_colour(thing, default='black'):
     colour = thing.colour
   except AttributeError:
     colour = default
   return colour

Here we handle the case where a thing has no .colour attribute and return a default. The function is designed for this, and has scope for the caller to specify the default.

The general rule in Python is: only catch an exception if you know exactly what to do with it, and your function will complete with a _correct_ result if you do it.

Conversely, _don't_ try to handle any other situation. (This makes your task easier, too!)

Here's an example:

 import errno
 # clean up a file...
 except OSError as e:
   if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
     # it is ok if the file is already gone

Here we're catching all OSErrors, but only handling the specific situation we understand (the file doesn't exist, and in this case that is possible and normal). If there was any other kind of OSError (eg a permission error or anything else really - it is all unknown), we reraise the original exception.

There are any number of reasons that things can go wrong, including the code _calling_ your function asking for the wrong thing. Letting the exception out lets these situations get debugged.

Cameron Simpson <>

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