Dear Python-List,

an old dog wants to learn some new tricks.

Due to my contact with microcontrollers, I am learning C/C++. I am aware that 
this is the
endearing, helpful, yet chatty python-list. Many of you are competent 

The allure of C is that I can play directly with memory. 
For example, bitwise operators are neat (here a shift):
  int res = 1 << 4 
  printf("%d\n", res)

Translates to pseudocrap:
0000 0001 -> leftwards bitshift of 4 places -> 0001 0000

I think that is pretty neat. After having imbibed the some of the computational 
basis for binary
digits (X₂) a few weeks ago, I learned yesterday about hexadecimals (X₁₆). 
While in the rabbit
hole, I learned about Claude Shannon's and Alan Turing's work on digital logic. 
I am excited to
learn about what kind of computations I can do in these number systems. 

Therefore, what book or learning course do you recommend? I imagine something 
that tours or skims
the fundamentals of Boolean algebra and digital logic, and then goes to C and 
some fun homework
problems. It may seem to you that the emphasis there is wrongly placed. 

Thank you for the tips.

PS: Can I twiddle bits in Python?

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