On Thu, Jul 19, 2018 at 6:49 PM,  <no@none.invalid> wrote:
> On Thu, 19 Jul 2018 17:35:24 +0100, MRAB <pyt...@mrabarnett.plus.com>
> wrote:
>>I'm assuming you're using Windows.
>>It might be that the console window's properties need changing:
>>1. Right-click on the title bar.
>>2. Click on Properties.
>>3. In the Options tab, turn on QuickEdit Mode.
>>4. Click OK.
> I am using Windows7.  When I run the command line thingy

It's called a console, which is a special window for command-line and
text-interface applications. The Windows API includes functions that
allow a process to attach to or allocate a console, read from and
write to it for standard input & output (i.e. stdin, stdout, stderr),
and low-level functions that allow creating complex text interfaces
such as text editors (e.g. nano) and file managers (e.g. Far Manager).
In Windows 7+, each console is hosted by an instance of conhost.exe.
The console host process runs in the same security context (i.e. user,
groups, integrity level, and privileges) as the process that allocates
the console.

python.exe is a console application, which means that it automatically
attaches to the console of the parent process or allocates a new
console if the parent doesn't have one.

> When I try to turn on QuickEdit I get this error message.

The console host failed to modify the shortcut. This is probably
because the .LNK file was installed for all users, and the current
user only has read & execute access. Administrators should have full
access to this file. To run with administrator access, right-click the
shortcut and choose "Run as administrator".

FYI, the console's default settings for the current user are in the
registry key "HKCU\Console". On the control menu, this is what the
"Defaults" dialog modifies. The "Properties" dialog modifies the
settings for the current window, which override the default settings.
The current-window settings are stored based on the initial window
title. If an application is run from a .LNK shortcut, the Windows
shell sets the initial title in the process startup info as the
fully-qualified path to the .LNK file and sets a flag that indicates
this. In this case, the console knows that the current properties
should be read from and written to the .LNK file. If the application
is run directly instead of using a shortcut, then the console stores
the properties in the registry key "HKCU\Console\[window title]". A
custom window title can be set using CMD's `start` command. If no
custom title is set, the default title is the fully-qualified path of
the executable, which the console normalizes to make it suitable for
use as a registry key (e.g. replace backslash with underscore).

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