I also posted the question here

I don't know what's under the hood of sending an image from client side to 
server side, so stuck by the following scenario.

I want to send a PIL.Image object to django server side using the Python 
requests lib and get it back in order to use the PIL.Image object on server 
side. As I have tested , if sent the PIL.Image object without any conversion , 
that is

r = requests.post(SERVER_URL,
                    'image': PILimage,#PILimage is of type PIL.Image
then I just got a str object with value  <PIL.PngImagePlugin.PngImageFile image 
mode=RGB size=149x49 at 0x13F25D0> on server side, I guess it was caused by  
requests, which converted the PIL.Image object to a str object before sending, 
so why  requestsdo the conversion ? why cannot we send the PIL.Image object 
without any conversion over the Internet ? please give some explanation here, 

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