Yoav wrote:
> I run a Java command line program. The point is, that it's not the 
> program that output this error message for sure. And I don't expect 
> popen3() to catch and report errors. I just want to keep my screen 
> output clean, and I expect popen3() to run the program and not let 
> anything slip to the screen, after all as I understood it is supposed to 
> capture STDERR and STDOUT, but maybe I didn' t understand it right (it's 
> quite probable). Anyway anyway I can do such a thing?
It would be helpful if you could verify your theory by running the 
program from the command line with standard AND error output 
redirection, verifying that no output at all apears on the console when 
you type

cmd > /tmp/stdout 2>/tmp/stderr

You are correct in supposing that popen3 is supposed to trap all stdout 
and stderr output.

Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC             http://www.holdenweb.com/


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