On 07/02/18 16:22, Gregory Ewing wrote:
Ian Kelly wrote:
Just because somebody knows a dozen languages
doesn't mean that they can come up with the correct algorithm,

That doesn't mean there's no correlation. Someone who is familiar
with a variety of languages is also very likely to be self-motivated
and have enough passion and curiosity to have acquired a broad and
deep knowledge of other aspects of the craft.

Well put.   And "correct algorithm" sounds like something a CS major would say.  In the real world, it's more important to come up with a working algorithm, or an efficient algorithm.  In fact, I often choose my algorithms based more on readability (simplicity) and maintainability than textbook correctness.  You can always tell when an intern has been in the code - they implement a full b-tree to sort a simple one-dimensional list.  On the other hand, someone with exposure to multiple languages has seen multiple ways to accomplish a given task, and is likely to choose the best fit for the task at hand.

If your production system is built out of a dozen languages,
you may have a well-tuned system where each language was chosen for a
solid, specific reason; but you've also got a maintenance nightmare on
the day that the one programmer who actually understands all of it
decides to leave.

There are good reasons to restrict the number of languages used, but
it doesn't mean that language-specific job advertisements are the
best way to go about getting staff. The company doesn't really want
a "Java programmer" or whatever, they want a *good* programmer. A
truly good programmer will be able to learn about the language
being used on the job.

I wish that were universally true.  I have seen all too often where a company will hire an intern fresh out of school (who knows the requested language) over a more experienced individual who knows multiple languages, but not the one asked for.

The mere fact of knowing multiple languages demonstrates adaptability and the ability to think in multiple paradigms. However, the hiring process today is based on tick boxes in an automated search form.  Qualified individuals don't even come up on the radar because the criteria for qualification has changed.



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