
I'm building an application which consists of two largely distinct
parts, a frontend and a backend. The directory layout is like this:

|-- jobwatch
|   |-- backend
|   |   |-- backend.py
|   |   |-- __init__.py
|   |   `-- tables.py
|   |-- frontend
|   |   |-- __init__.py
|   |   |-- main.py
|   `-- __init__.py
`-- setup.py

Because the main.py script needs to import the tables.py module from
backend, I put this at the top if main.py:

   import jobwatch.backend.tables as tables

My question is: Is this the way it should be done? It looks fishy. The
only alternative I could come up with is to put a symlink to tables.py
into the frontend directory, which also seems fishy. Eventually I want
to package all this up neatly to be able to use only little wrapper
scripts for the backend (running as a service) and the frontend (a wsgi

Any thoughts?


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