Gene Heskett wrote:

> On Monday 18 June 2018 09:16:10 Peter Otten wrote:
>> Gene Heskett wrote:
>> > This biggest single thing wrong with any of those old scsi
>> > interfaces is the bus's 5 volt isolation diode, the designer speced
>> > a shotkey(sp) diode, and some damned bean counter saw the price diff
>> > and changed it to
>> Is this a case of <> ?
> So its spelled with two t's.
> Concentrating on my spelling mistake, you probably missed my point
> entirely. But then you are not a CET either so the rest of my
> explanation may not have been in reach as it passed by at a pretty good
> technical altitude.  Sigh...

I'm doomed. Right?


Other than that I find it hard to believe that a "bean counter" can change a 
technical spec. He may put pressure on the designer, but when the designer 
gives in he's still responsible for the resulting technical problems.


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