Hi Team, I wanted to parse a file and extract few feilds that are present after "=" in a text file .
Example , form the below line I need to extract the values present after --struct =, --loc=, --size= and --log_file= Sample input line = '06/12/2018 11:13:23 AM python toolname.py --struct=data_block --log_file=/var/1000111/test18.log --addr=None --loc=0 --mirror=10 --path=/tmp/data_block.txt size=8' Expected output data_block /var/1000111/test18.log 0 8 Here is my sample code , its still not complete , I wanted to use regex and find and extract all the fields after " =", any suggestion or alternative way to optimize this further import re line = '06/12/2018 11:13:23 AM python toolname.py --struct=data_block --log_file=/var/1000111/test18.log --addr=None --loc=0 --mirror=10 --path=/tmp/data_block.txt size=8' r_loc = r"--loc=(\d+)" r_struct = r'--struct=(\w+)' if re.findall(r_loc, line): print re.findall(r_loc, line) if re.findall(r_struct, line): print re.findall(r_struct, line) root@X1:/# python regex_02.py ['0'] ['data_block'] I am a Linux user with python 2.7 Regards, Ganesh -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list