On 08Jun2018 22:55, Tamara Berger <brg...@gmail.com> wrote:
I have to answer you via email because I haven't gotten the hang of
the inline style yet.

I'm using email :-) We use the inline style for that, too. Just walk down the quoted previous message and insert your responses below the relevant parts with blank lines separating the quoted material from your text. Anyway...

Here is the result of your suggestion:

Last login: Fri Jun  8 22:43:58 on ttys001
192:~ TamaraB$ cd Desktop/mymodules/
192:mymodules TamaraB$ ls -laR /Users/TamaraB/Desktop/mymodules
total 16
drwxr-xr-x   4 TamaraB  staff   136 Jun  7 01:32 .
drwx------+ 37 TamaraB  staff  1258 Jun  8 22:30 ..
-rw-r--r--@  1 TamaraB  staff  6148 Jun  7 10:54 .DS_Store
drwxr-xr-x   5 TamaraB  staff   170 Jun  7 01:32 mymodules

Ok, so here we see that there _is_ a "mymodules" folder inside your "/Users/TamaraB/Desktop/mymodules" folder.

total 16
drwxr-xr-x  5 TamaraB  staff  170 Jun  7 01:32 .
drwxr-xr-x  4 TamaraB  staff  136 Jun  7 01:32 ..
-rw-r--r--@ 1 TamaraB  staff    0 Jun  5 09:47 README.py
-rw-r--r--@ 1 TamaraB  staff  253 Jun  7 10:55 setup.py
-rw-r--r--@ 1 TamaraB  staff  166 Jun  5 10:01 vsearch.py
192:mymodules TamaraB$

And inside that second "mymodules" folder is your vsearch module and its accompanying files. This kind of mistake is easy to make (the doubled directory).

You can do 2 things at this point.

1: Just:

  cd /Users/TamaraB/Desktop/mymodules/mymodules

and run the setup.py from in there.


2: Repair the mistake:

  cd /Users/TamaraB/Desktop/mymodules
  mv mymodules/* .
  rmdir mymodules

which will move all the files from the lower directory up to where they should be. Then run the setup.py.

BTW, the README is normally a text file named README.txt or maybe a markdown file named README.md.

(When I copied the coding into the email, I got a line of space
between each line of coding, and had to delete the extra lines one by
one? Any way to do this job nonmanually or to transfer the coding into
an email without the extra lines of space?)

That is odd. My guess would be that your cut/paste is sending the end of line as a CR (carriage return) and a NL (newline), and both of those are being "typed" at the paste end, resulting in double spaced text. Annoying.

Are you using mail.google.com to read your GMail? I just tried cut/paste some text from both iTerm and Terminal on my Mac into a scratch message there and didn't get doubled lines. Can you describe _exactly_ what you did to copy the text into your email? Presumably you're doing something different from what I'm doing: select text in the terminal, type Cmd-C to copy it, click in my new message window and type Cmd-V to paste the copied text.

Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>

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