> I would prefer to remove the padding, like this:
>     Test = """
>         |    Hello, this is a
>         | Multiline indented
>         |String
>         """.outdent(padding='|')
> Or write it like this?
>     Test = """|    Hello, this is a
>               | Multiline indented
>               |String
>               """.outdent(padding='|')
> Hmm, the sign of Zorro! :-)
> I'm starting to like outdent(), but that may be my TIMTOWTDIism speaking.

I can see both outdent(padding="|") and outdent(size=4) being useful in various 
cases.  If this ends up being the recommendation, I would also suggest adding 
str.indent(), it evens out the methods and most of the time I use the textwrap 
functions it is either indent or outdent, so this would clean up those pieces.

So... how does one go about suggesting changes to the built in types?  I could 
take a whack at the code for it, but my C skills are no where near what should 
probably be needed for something this close to the core of the language.  I'm 
not sure if adding a couple of methods is a PEP type of thing.

Dan Strohl


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