On 2018-05-20 11:37:14 -0400, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
> On Sun, 20 May 2018 12:38:59 +0100, bartc <b...@freeuk.com> declaimed the
> following:
> >Then the /same software/ probably wouldn't work anywhere else. I mean 
> >taking source which doesn't know or care about what system its on, and 
> >that operates on a ppm file downloaded from the internet.
>       And software that handles binary PPM on a big-endian system probably
> won't run on a little-endian system, if said PPM is using a maxval >255
> (meaning each R,G,B takes up two bytes, and said bytes would be seen in
> reverse order when moving from one system to the other).

The byte order in PPM files is well-defined.

It is trivial to write a portable C program which reads raw PPM files.
And by "portable" I mean that the same program works on big- or little
endian systems, on ASCII or EBCDIC systems, on systems where 1 byte is
more than 8 bits (as long as the file stores still one octet per byte),


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