On 2018-05-11, Dennis Lee Bieber <wlfr...@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 11 May 2018 01:55:58 +0100, bartc <b...@freeuk.com> declaimed the
> following:
>>On 11/05/2018 01:25, Marko Rauhamaa wrote:
>>> Chris Angelico <ros...@gmail.com>:
>>>> Octal makes a lot of sense in the right contexts.
>>> I think octal is a historical relic from a time when people weren't yet
>>> comfortable with hexadecimal.
>>It's a relic from when machines had word sizes that were multiples of 
>>three bits, or were divided up on 3-bit boundaries.
> The Intel 8080a was 8-bit bytes, but octal was actually more usable
> when interpreting op-codes. 3-bits encoded the processor registers
> (including the "M"emory access via HL address). A(7), B(0)-C(1),
> D(2)-E(3), H(4)-L(5), M(6): MOV H,E => 143 octal is easier to decode
> than 63 hex

The first 8080-compatible "computer" I owned was a Heathkit terminal
with an 8085 CPU.  The firmware listings used "split octal":

  0x0000 = 000 000
  0xffff = 377 377

IIRC, PDP-11 assembly listings and machine documentation generally
used octal for the same reason: the 16-bit instruction word was
internally divided into a number of 3-bit fields.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! Now that I have my
                                  at               "APPLE", I comprehend COST
                              gmail.com            ACCOUNTING!!


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