On Sat, 27 Aug 2005 04:45:25 GMT, rumours say that Stephen Prinster
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> might have written:

>Jonathon Blake wrote:
>> [ Editing/creating msaccess databases on a Linux Box, and WINE _not_ 
>> installed.]
>I'm pretty sure I don't understand what you are wanting to do.  You say
>you have   "msaccess databases on a Linux Box" and you are not using the
>Jet Database engine.  As far as I know, MS Access is just a front-end to
>databases, with Jet as the default backend (though it can connect to
>many others).  What backend database engine/storage format are you
>using?  There might be a python library for connecting to it, bypassing
>Access altogether.

I think the OP wants to *use* .mdb files on a linux system without using
any msjet*.dll libraries.

There is a (C language) project that can read .mdb databases-- it can't
write them yet.[1]

[1] http://mdbtools.sourceforge.net/
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The Corinthians

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