On 24/04/2018 23:57, fifii.ge...@gmail.com wrote:

        movimientos = []
        for i in range (n):
                for j in range (n):
        auxb = 0
        return movimientos[auxb]

What do you mean by 'does not work'?

With input of fila=1, and columna=1, I get an error in the last line above. Because movimientos is an empty list, but you are accessing the first element as movimientos[0], because auxb is zero.

I don't understand your program (the layout is fine BTW), but you need to debug the logic of it. (Being recursive doesn't help.)

Is an empty movimientos allowed at this point or not? Is auxb==0 a legal index here or not?

(Tip: I used these lines in the input loop to simply testing rather than having to type them in (as 2 and 2) each time:

    fila = 1
    columna = 1


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