On Sun, 25 Mar 2018 04:49:21 -0700, Rick Johnson wrote:

>> - with no arguments, using the parenthesis-free syntax,
>>   Ruby automagically forwards the same arguments to the (single)
>>   parent;
> Which is merely a natural result of Ruby's function/method call syntax.
> Not allowing a parenthesis-free super call would not only be
> inconsistent, it would be foolishly inconsistent.

I never said anything about not allowing it. But since you've gone on the 
defence about parens-free function calls, how is this for "consistency" 
in Ruby?

[steve@ando ruby]$ ruby ws-example.rb
a + b => 7
a+b   => 7
a+ b  => 7
a +b  => 3

Here's the source code:

# --- cut ---
def a(x=4)

b = 1
print "a + b => ", (a + b), "\n"
print "a+b   => ", (a+b), "\n"
print "a+ b  => ", (a+ b), "\n"
print "a +b  => ", (a +b), "\n"
# --- cut ---

>> So there's weird magic going on where `super` and `super()` both call
>> the method but with different arguments. Ewww.
> It's only weird because you are judging through a Python lens. Ruby is
> not Python. And Python is not Ruby.

No, its weird because in *both cases* there are no arguments given, but 
in one case there are no arguments passed, but in the other case, some 
unknown number of invisible arguments are passed.

Consider a bunch of Ruby function calls:

    f()      # calls f with no arguments
    f        # calls f with no arguments
    foo()    # calls foo with no arguments
    foo      # calls foo with no arguments
    bar()    # calls bar with no arguments
    bar      # calls bar with no arguments
    super()  # calls the superclass method with no arguments
    super    # MAGIC HAPPENS! calls the superclass method with
               some unknown number of arguments!

If you want to argue that's a useful feature, okay, I'll give you the 
benefit of the doubt. But useful or not, it's still weird and surprising. 
And deeply, fundamentally inconsistent.



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