Am 15.03.18 um 08:32 schrieb Jan Erik Moström:
I would like to read what calendar events I have on a range of days. I would like to get the data from whatever storage Calendar use, in my personal case I sync to iCloud.

An example would be something along these lines

x = getcalendarevents('2018-03-15', '2018-03-25')

or even better

x = getcalendarevents('2018-03-15', '2018-03-25',[calendar1, calendar2, ...])

and x would contain some data structure that gives me the events that occurs from 2018-03-15 up to and including 2018-03-25, each event containing at least start/end time, title, place, calendar to which the event belong.

I assume you mean the calendar app included within OSX. It can be scripted, start from here:

The native script language is Apple Script or JavaScript. If you want to control it from Python, you need a bridge. I have no experience with it, but a quick Google search reveals and


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