> Could you please give some context when you reply, TIA

Whoops, thanks for the reminder Mark.

So what for the Request is used  for then?

In general when you see that something in Python starts with a capital
letter, that indicates a class. Check out the relevant section of the PEP8
coding style [1], this is a good reference to have on hand.  (This
generalization doesn't apply to builtin types which follow a separate
convention, also outlined in [1] -- and of course there are a numerous

This holds for your variable in question "request" which is an instance of
the Request class.  Check out [2] for more information on this.  PyCharm
tries to do its best but I've had this problem too.  You can always open up
a python REPL and look at the object yourself:

>>> import flask
>>> r = flask.Request
>>> r
<class 'flask.wrappers.Request'>
>>> dir(r)

and so on.  When I'm working in python I like to keep one of these open for
this purpose.


[1] https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/#class-names
[2] http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/0.12/api/#incoming-request-data

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