On Saturday, March 10, 2018 at 10:28:00 AM UTC-8, Terry Reedy wrote:
> On 3/10/2018 12:23 PM, GISDude wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I'm hoping someone could help a wannabe python coder out. I'm an aspiring 
> > Data/AI/ML coder/programmer/datafiend - that might help with my situation.
> > 
> > In my various fits of python downloads, I've managed to download Anaconda, 
> Anaconda is a cpython distribution that comes with various 3rd party 
> modules pre-installed.
> > Pyscripter,
> I am not familiar with this.
> > IDLE(3.6/32 AND 64bit), IDLE 2.7.
> If you are on Windows, you did not download 'IDLE'.  You downloaded 
> various versions of CPython from PSF that include the corresponding 
> versions of IDLE, with its integrated shell and editor, but not the 3rd 
> party modules included with Anaconda.
> If you are just starting with Python, and do not work somewhere that 
> uses 2.7, I would ignore 2.7.  Unless you absolutely need the 32 bit 
> version, I delete it.
> > I'm having a problem using pip:
> > 1. Does one have to use pip in the commandline?
> Yes, use command line programs in a command line console/window.
> > Why can't I use pip while in IDLE
> Would you expect to use pip in MS Excel?  If you type 'python' at a 
> command line, and get the '>>>' REPL prompt (google REPL), then your 
> input goes to the python interpreter, which only accepts python 
> statements.  The same is true in the IDLE Shell, and when you run python 
> code in the editor.
> [Some 3rd party IDEs have a front end for PIP. I wanted to add this for 
> IDLE but the project was vetoed when partly done.]
> > 2. For some unknown reason, I have "defaulted" to use IDLE python 3.6, 32 
> > bit version.
> The order of installation, choices you made during installation, and how 
> you start python.  (With just one python installed, there would be no 
> problem.)  Read the first chapter of 
> https://docs.python.org/3/using/index.html and the chapter for your OS 
> (which you should have specified ;-)
> -- 
> Terry Jan Reedy

Many thanks Terry. I'm back to the proverbial drawing board. On a side note, 
I'm uninstalling ANACONDA and re-installing. Seems like the whold 400mb of the 
win executable is missing a bunch of stuff.

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