Thank you guys, lots of great answers, very helpful. I got it!

A follow-up question:

How did the value of "object" get passed to "time"? Obviously, they have
different names. How did Python make that connection?

Code is below for convenience.

class Clock(object):
    def __init__(self, time):
        self.time = time
    def print_time(self):
        time = '6:30'

clock = Clock('5:30')

Thank you!

On Thu, Mar 8, 2018 at 6:30 AM, Steven D'Aprano <> wrote:

> On Wed, 07 Mar 2018 16:57:51 -0500, C W wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I am new to OOP. I'm a bit confused about the following code.
> >
> > class Clock(object):
> >     def __init__(self, time):
> >         self.time = time
> Here you set the instance attribute "self.time".
> >     def print_time(self):
> >         time = '6:30'
> >         print(self.time)
> Here you set the local variable "time", which is completely unrelated to
> the attribute "self.time".
> If you are used to languages where "foo" inside a method is a short-cut
> for "" or "", Python does not do that. Local variables
> and instance attributes are distinct concepts, and Python keeps them
> distinct.
> > How does line-by-line execution run inside a frame?
> There isn't actually line-by-line execution as such, although it can be
> very similar. Before the interpreter runs Python code, it compiles it to
> byte-code, and then runs the byte-code. A single line of source code
> could result in any number of lines of byte code, from zero to an
> unlimited number.
> > How does __init__
> > work? I understand you must have __init__.
> You understand wrongly then :-)
> It is normal and common to have an __init__ method, but it is not
> compulsory. If your class doesn't need one, you don't need to write it.
> The __init__ method is the initialiser. Think of it as very similar to
> the constructor in some other languages, and for now the differences
> aren't important. The usual purpose of the __init__ method is to
> initialise the instance and set any attributes needed.
> > Is it run before print_time(),
> The __init__ method is called once, when the instance is first created.
> So the short answer is, yes, it will run before print_time(). But only
> once.
> > if so, why don't I just set self.time = '6:30' instead of
> > self.time = time?
> Because then every instance will be set to 6:30, instead of letting you
> set each instance to a different time.
> --
> Steve
> --

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