In the '80's, Microsoft had a proprietary binary structure to handle floating point numbers, In a previous thread, Bengt Richter posted some example code in how to convert these to python floats; I copied this code and modified it slightly, however, you will notice that for one of the examples, the conversion isn't exact. Can anyone advise me on how to modify this code to correct for this situation ? I think the problem may be related to the different lengths of the mantissa. For double precision (8bytes) MBF format had 55 where as Python floats (IEEE) has only 52 ?? Sample Code Below ---------------------- # Conversion of Microsoft Binary Format numbers to Python Floats import binascii as bn import struct as st data = [(1234567890,'000000AF052C139F'), (4069954144,'00000060929672A0'), (999999.99, '703D0AD7FF237494'), ( 88888.88, '400ad7a3709c2d91'), ( 22222.22, '400ad7a3709c2d8f'), ( 33333.33, 'b047e17a54350290'), ( 1500.34, '7814ae47e18a3b8b'), ( 42345.00, '0000000000692590'), ] def msd2float(bytes): #take out values that don't make sense possibly the NaN and Infinity ?? if sum(bytes) in [0,72,127]: return 0.0 b = bytes[:] sign = bytes[-2]&0x80 b[-2] |= 0x80 #hidden most sig bit in place of sign exp = bytes[-1] - 0x80 - 56 #exponent offset acc = 0L for i,byte in enumerate(b[:-1]): acc |=(long(byte)<<(i*8)) return (float(acc)*2.0**exp)*((1.,-1.)[sign!=0]) for line in data: inval = line[0] binval = bn.unhexlify(line[1]) le_bytes = list(st.unpack('BBBBBBBB',binval)) outval = msd2float(le_bytes) print " In:",inval, "\nOut:",outval,"\n" Sample Output ------------------------ C:/Python24/pythonw.exe -u "C:/pytest/dms/Test MBF.pyw" In: 1234567890 Out: 1234567895.5 In: 4069954144 Out: 4069954144.0 In: 999999.99 Out: 999999.99 In: 88888.88 Out: 88888.88 In: 22222.22 Out: 22222.22 In: 33333.33 Out: 33333.33 In: 1500.34 Out: 1500.34 In: 42345.0 Out: 42345.0 ----End Sample Output ---- --