> In comp.lang.perl.misc John Bokma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > 
>> > I'm talking about using the technology for communication, instead of 
>> > reinventing the wheel with crappy web forums.
>> What is exactly crappy about those forums?
> They are slow

I have no problems with it. Moreover, since I use an NNTP server which is a 
bit remote, it's way slower compared to the web forums I use.

> They are inflexible


> They don't allow the user to choose how to view them, the interface is
> imposed on the user.

False. The user can pick themes, often several. The user can use a user 
stylesheet or several. And you can always write your own client :-D.

> They don't have killfiles or scoring

You can install a mod to kill people.
And I have no doubt that there is a scoring mod, or one can be written in a 
few hours.

John                   Small Perl scripts: http://johnbokma.com/perl/
               Perl programmer available:     http://castleamber.com/
            Happy Customers: http://castleamber.com/testimonials.html
  • Re: Usenet, HTML (was Re: Jargons of Info Tech industry) John Bokma

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