On Tue, 20 Feb 2018 05:31:27 +1100, Chris Angelico wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 20, 2018 at 3:49 AM, Wildman via Python-list
> <python-list@python.org> wrote:
>> On Mon, 19 Feb 2018 12:32:49 +0000, Rhodri James wrote:
>>> On 18/02/18 16:18, Wildman via Python-list wrote:
>>>>> But that's only going to show one (uplink) address. If I needed to get
>>>>> ALL addresses for ALL network adapters, I'd either look for a library,
>>>>> and if one wasn't easily found, I'd shell out to the "ip" command and
>>>>> parse its output.:)
>>>> I considered using the "ip" command but I prefer not to
>>>> depend on external programs if I can get around it.  I
>>>> know that might be considered silly but that's just me.
>>> It's not silly at all, but for Linux networking it might be the best
>>> idea.  I believe in theory you are supposed to use libnl (in some
>>> suitable wrapping), but my experience with that is that it is badly
>>> documented and horrendously unreliable.
>> It looks like libnl would do what I want but there is
>> a problem.  When finished, my program will be released
>> in the form of a Debian (*.deb) package and used by,
>> for the most part, 'average' Linux users.  These are
>> people that know their way around Linux but know
>> nothing or very little about Python.  Installing a
>> package using pip by them is pretty much out of the
>> question.  The system's package manager must be able
>> to handle the program's dependencies so third-party
>> packages are out of the question.
>> But thanks for the suggestion.
> If you're distributing it as a .deb, you don't want to use pip to grab
> additional libraries. Ideally, you'd want the library to *also* be
> available through the package manager, which would mean you can simply
> record it as a dependency. If it's not... it's not gonna be easy.
> ChrisA

Yes, you are correct.  Third-party pip packages are always
a no-no.

Speaking of which, there is a library called Netifaces that
will easily do exactly what I want with a few lines of code.
But, it is not to be found in any Linux distro's repository
that I can find.  Oh well...

<Wildman> GNU/Linux user #557453
"There are only 10 types of people in the world...
those who understand Binary... and those who don't."

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