On 13/02/18 13:11, Stanley Denman wrote:
I am trying to performance a regex on a "string" of text that python isinstance
is telling me is a dictionary. When I run the code I get the following error:
{'/Title': '1F: Progress Notes Src.: MILANI, JOHN C Tmt. Dt.: 05/12/2014 -
05/28/2014 (9 pages)', '/Page': IndirectObject(465, 0), '/Type': '/FitB'}
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\stand\Desktop\PythonSublimeText.py", line 9, in <module>
TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object
Here is the "string" of code I am working with:
{'/Title': '1F: Progress Notes Src.: MILANI, JOHN C Tmt. Dt.: 05/12/2014 -
05/28/2014 (9 pages)', '/Page': IndirectObject(465, 0), '/Type': '/FitB'}
I want to grab the name "MILANI, JOHN C" and the last date "-mm/dd/yyyy" as a
pair such that if I have X numbers of string like the above I will end out with N pairs of values
(name and date)/ Here is my code:
import PyPDF2,re
As the error message says, re.findall() expects a string. A dictionary
is in no sense a string, so passing it in whole like that won't work.
If you know that the name will always show up in the title field, you
can pass just the title:
x = MyRegex.findall(MyDict['/Title'])
Otherwise you will have to loop through all the entries in the dictionary:
for entry in MyDict.values():
x = MyRegex.findall(entry)
# ...and do something with x
I rather suspect you are going to find that the titles aren't in a very
systematic format, though.
Rhodri James *-* Kynesim Ltd