On Feb 6, 2018, at 12:12 PM, Israel Brewster <isr...@ravnalaska.net> wrote: > > I have been working on writing an Alexa skill which, as part of it, requires > a local web server on the end users machine - the Alexa skill sends commands > to this server, which runs them on the local machine. I wrote this local > server in Flask, and run it using uwsgi, using a command like: "uwsgi > serverconfig.ini". > > The problem is that in order for this to work, the end user must: > > 1) Install python 3.6 (or thereabouts) > 2) Install a number of python modules, and > 3) run a command line (from the appropriate directory) > > Not terribly difficult, but when I think of my target audience (Alexa users), > I could easily see even these steps being "too complicated". I was looking at > pyinstaller to create a simple double-click application, but it appears that > pyinstaller needs a python script as the "base" for the application, whereas > my "base" is uwsgi. Also, I do need to leave a config file accessible for the > end user to be able to edit. Is there a way to use pyinstaller in this > scenario, or perhaps some other option that might work better to package > things up?
A related question, should a way to create a full package not be available, would be Is there a way to do a "local" (as in, in the same directory) install of Python3.6, and to do it in such a way as I could script it from the shell (or python, whatever)? The idea would then be to basically set up a fully self-contained virtualenv on the users machine, such that they just have to run a "setup.sh" script or the like. BTW, this would be on a Mac - my local skill server works using AppleScript, so it's not actually portable to other OS's :-P > > ----------------------------------------------- > Israel Brewster > Systems Analyst II > Ravn Alaska > 5245 Airport Industrial Rd > Fairbanks, AK 99709 > (907) 450-7293 > ----------------------------------------------- > > > > > -- > https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list