Thank you, it's very helpful.
I think the recvall should builtin to the _socket module like sendall.
------------------ Original ------------------
From:  "Dan Stromberg"<>;
Date:  Mon, Feb 5, 2018 06:01 AM
To:  "陶青云"<>;
Cc:  "python-list"<>;
Subject:  Re: Why not have a recvall method?
On Sun, Feb 4, 2018 at 5:26 AM, 陶青云 <> wrote:
> Hello, all
> The socket object has a `sendall` method that can send all bytes you 
> specified.
> Oppositely, socket only has a recv method. I wonder why there is not a 
> `recvall` method?
> To workaround this, I use `f = socket.makefile('rb')`, then all ``
> Thanks.

You're probably good with socket.makefile('rb').

An alternative that allows things like reading null-terminated input:

I wrote it and have been using it in production for years.

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