​I'm having trouble understanding something in the ​documentation of

The definition for the time column says -

"Time: The total amount of time spent executing the line in the timer's
units. In the header information before the tables, you will see a line
'Timer unit:' giving the conversion factor to seconds. It may be different
on different systems."

I don't really understand the conversion factor.

For example, if the timer unit is :* 3.20802e-07 s*
and a particular instruction's time column says its value is 83.0, is the
time taken 83.0*3.20802e-07 s? Or is there more to it?

If my understanding is correct however, why would there be a need for this?
What could be the cause of this - " It may be different on different systems

Can someone help me out?

Abhiram R


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