On Tuesday, January 9, 2018 at 3:22:30 PM UTC, Robert O'Shea wrote:
> Hey all,
> Been subscribed to this thread for a while but haven't contributed much.
> One of my ultimate goals this year is to get under the hood of CPython and
> get a decent understanding of mechanics Guido and the rest of you wonderful
> people have designed and implemented.
> I've been programming in python for nearly 10 years now and while I can
> write a mean Python script, I've been becoming more and more interested in
> low level operations or complex C programs so I thought I could spread my
> love of both to make a difference for me and others.
> So besides just grabbing a chunk of CPython source code and digesting it, I
> was wondering if those of you have read and understood the source code, do
> you have any tips or good starting points?
> Robert

Hopefully you'll find this http://pgbovine.net/cpython-internals.htm of 

Kindest regards.

Mark Lawrence.

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