On 1/1/18 11:45 AM, X. wrote:
Ulli Horlacher:
I have to transfer a python 2.7 CLI programm into one with a (simple) GUI.
The program must run on Linux and Windows and must be compilable with
pyinstall, because I have to ship a standalone windows.exe
Any kind of installer is not acceptable.
Reading https://github.com/pyinstaller/pyinstaller/wiki/Supported-Packages
supported GUI packages are PyGTK, PyQt4, PyQt5, wxPython
I have tested tkinter by myself and it works, too.
I do not like GTK and Qt, because they are too complex.
I want to do VERY simple things and I prefer a simple GUI toolkit :-)
me too !
Try easygui:
Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin/Mobile Code by Kevin