I use online Python reg exp editor https://pythex.org/ and I use option 
I want to use my reg exp in Python script to generate automatically some part 
of my program written in C++ (database structure and serialization functions). 
In order to do this I need: 1) C++ struct name and 2) struct definition. Struct 
definition I need because some inline functions can appear bellow my struct 
definition and makes inappropriate further regexp filtering (against variables).
So: I develop regexp which to my mind should work, but it doesn't and I don't 
know why. The broken regexp is like this:
struct (.+)\s*{\s*(.+)\s*};
As you can see it has two groups: struct name and struct definition.
It fails even for such simple structure:
struct Structure
    int mVariable1;
    QString mVariable2;
    bool mVariable3

Please help me with this regexp or tell me that I neeed do this in other way.

thanks, happy Christmas, and happy New Year
Szyk Cech

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