On 20/12/2017 05:52, Steve D'Aprano wrote:
This is possibly a question for the list admins...

I notice that Lawrence D’Oliveiro has taken up labelling his posts with a
demand that his posts are not to be posted to the Python-List mailing list.

I also see that his posts are not showing up on the mailing list archive. Is
this a coincidence or a direct consequence of his demand?

I'm not going to comment on the specific situation of Lawrence D'O posts. What I will say is:

* If someone were to ask specifically that we don't gateway their Usenet posts to the list, I can see no reason that we wouldn't honour that request. I'm not entirely sure about the reverse (list->Usenet) but AFAIK no-one's ever asked! I imagine it's possible.

* At different times we have decided to hold or discard posts made by certain people or servers or matching certain criteria, whether they're made via the list or gatewayed in from Usenet. The reasons are various but are usually obvious. Sometimes this is permanent; sometimes it's temporary.

* [I'm fairly sure] The Mailman software which runs the list will honour no-archive headers. That is, it will gateway a given Usenet post to the list but will not include it in the archive.


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