On Sunday, December 10, 2017 at 11:15:15 AM UTC+5:30, Frank Millman wrote:
> "Rustom Mody"  wrote in message 
> <anecdote>
> I was sending some files to some students.
> Since it was more than one, the natural choice was a tarball.
> [I believe that since it was a very tiny total space I did not compress the
> tarball… but I dont remember this part exactly]
> The point is that instead of sending a stuff.tgz or stuff.tar file I sent a 
> file
> called just stuff; ie I must have done:
> $ tar xvf stuff directory
> rather than the more normal
> $ tar xvf stuff.tar directory
> I got a return mail soon enough: “Your file is corrupt; it wont open”
> (in file-roller or whatever tar-GUI the kids nowadays use)
> I could have given them the answer: There are no associations in
> Linux. Just
> $ mv stuff stuff.tar
> and it will work
> As it happens I am lazy; easier to believe that my file was "wrongly" named;
> did the mv myself, and resent the now "correct" tarball; problem solved.
> </anecdote>
> I had a similar experience a few years ago, but the recipient was not a 
> student, but a bank's IT department!
> I had to send them an encrypted document, and their spec specified PGP. I 
> used GPG instead, which produces exactly the same result, but with a .gpg 
> file extension.
> I was told that my file did not work. After much time trying to figure out 
> what was wrong, I spoke to one of their staff over the phone, and asked him 
> to right-click on the file, select 'rename', and change '.gpg' to '.pgp'. He 
> did so, tried again, and said 'Ah, now it works'.
Inspired by this thread, I added

alias o="xdg-open"

to my ~/.bash_aliases

And as best as I can see, now
$ o foo.png
$ o bar.mp3
$ o baz.pdf
$ o http://python.org

all do the “Right Thing”

My main attraction for this is that I often end up doing evince foo.png instead 
of eog foo.png

The one thing that does not work (yet) is
$ o foo.py
starts up gedit (instead of emacs)

PS. As it happens I had figured out something for my students some years ago:

I’ll have to reread and recheckout what I wrote back then 😉

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