On Wednesday, December 6, 2017 at 3:10:24 AM UTC+5:30, Igor Korot wrote:
> Hi, Tony,
> On Tue, Dec 5, 2017 at 11:10 AM, Tony van der Hoff  wrote:
> > On 05/12/17 16:55, Igor Korot wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> On Tue, Dec 5, 2017 at 9:10 AM, Jyothiswaroop Reddy wrote:
> >>> Sir,
> >>>         I am b.tech student I would like to learn python. So please send
the python software.
> >> Sorry, we don't send anything. You will have to go get it yourself. -)
> >>
> > Well, at least try to be helpful:
> > https://www.python.org/downloads/
> This is LMGIFY.
> If they say they are tech students - they should know how to work with
> And I even tried to be polite. I should have probably write something like:
> 1. Open the Web browser.
> 2. In the "Address Bar" type "www.pyton.org".
> 3. Find the link which reads "Downloads". Click on it.
> 4. Carefully read what version you need to install for your OS.
> 5. Apply the acquired knowledge and download the appropriate version.
> 6. Click on the installer (if on Windows).
> 7. Follow all the prompts.
> 8. Enjoy.
> but this is too much for the tech student.
You are assuming that the strangeness of the request is about 'tech'
[engineering/tech existed centuries before computers]

Do remember one can be a tech-{student,professional} without
- ever having encountered free-software
- internet/USENET culture

รข | from which pov the request would not look so odd


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