On 11/20/17 9:50 AM, Stefan Ram wrote:
Ned Batchelder <n...@nedbatchelder.com> writes:
Also, why set headers that prevent the Python-List mailing list from
archiving your messages?
   I am posting to a Usenet newsgroup. I am not aware of any
   "Python-List mailing list".

   I am posting specifically to the Usenet, because I am aware
   of it's rules and I like it and wish to support it.

   I do not post to a "mailing list" because I do not know which
   rules apply for mailing lists and whether mailing lists in
   general or any specific mailing list is an environment that I
   like or wish to support.

The dual nature of this online community has long been confusing and complicated.  It's both a newsgroup and a mailing list.  Add in Google Groups, and you really have three different faces of the same content.

The fact is, posting to comp.lang.python means that your words are also being distributed as a mailing list. Because of your messages' headers, they are not in the archive of that list (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2017-November/thread.html), or in Google Groups (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/comp.lang.python/0ejrtZ6ET9g). It makes for odd reading via those channels.

I don't understand the motivation for limiting how words are distributed, but others on this list also do it. For example, Dennis Lee Bieber's messages are not in the Python-List archives either. If something is worth saying, why not let people find it later?


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