On 21Nov2017 02:04, Heli <heml...@gmail.com> wrote:
I am trying to compare the contents of two binary files. I use python 3.6
filecomp comparing same name files inside two directories.
results_dummy=filecmp.cmpfiles(dir1, dir2, common, shallow=True)
The above line works for *.bin file I have in both directories, but it does not
work with h5 files.
When comparing two hdf5 files that contain exactly the same groups/datasets and
numerical data, filecmp.cmpfiles finds them as mismatch. My hdf files are not
binary equal but contain the same exact data.
Is there anyway to compare the contents of two hdf5 files from within Python
script and without using h5diff?
There are several packages on PyPI related to the H5 data format:
I imagine what you need to do is to load your 2 H5 data files and then compare
the data structures within them. Hopefully one of these packages can be used
for this. This one looks promising:
If you have pip, you should be able to install it thus:
pip install --user h5py
to make use of it.
Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au> (formerly c...@zip.com.au)