On Saturday, October 28, 2017 at 11:59:14 AM UTC+5:30, Andrew Z wrote:
> Yeah, lets start the war!
> // joking!
> But if i think about it... there are tons articles and flame wars about "a
> vs b".
> And yet, what if the question should be different:
> If you were to create the "ide" for yourself (think lego) , what are the
> functions that you _use_ and like a lot?

[Not really an answer to your question…]
But in a related direction:

I think we need to talk more systematically about 
- programming-in-the-small:  [< 70 lines — one or so screenfuls; only 1 file]
- -in-the-medium : all files in one directory
- -in-the-large : multiple directories/languages/OSes etc
- -huge : millions of lines; thousands of man-years

I think one of the main attractions (to me but also generally to teachers)
is that languages like python make programming-in-the-tiny a realistic 
ie a couple of lines worked out possibly file-less, at the interpreter prompt.

[The other day I was writing a program to split alternate lines of a file;
Apart from file-handling it was these two lines:

    for x in lines[0::2]:   print(x.strip())
    for x in lines[1::2]:   print(x.strip())

So coming to your question: IDEs are good for medium and (diminishingly) for 
large programs.

Useful python programs are often small; even tiny

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