import time avg = float(0)
# copy with WITH function and execute time for i in range(500): start = time.clock() with open('q://my_projects/cricket.mp3', 'rb') as old, open('q://my_projects/new_cricket.mp3', 'wb') as new: for j in old: new.write(j) stop = time.clock() avg += (stop - start) / 500 print('Execute time with WITH version : ', avg) # copy with OLD version OPEN FILE function and execute time for i in range(500): start = time.clock() old = open('q://my_projects/cricket.mp3', 'rb') new = open('q://my_projects/old_cricket.mp3', 'wb') for j in old: new.write(j) old.close() new.close() stop = time.clock() avg += (stop - start) / 500 print('Execute time with OLD version : ', avg) --