On 2017-10-27, Chris Angelico <ros...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 28, 2017 at 5:05 AM, ROGER GRAYDON CHRISTMAN <d...@psu.edu> wrote:
>> While teaching my introductory course in Python, I occasionally see
>> submissions containing the following two program lines,[...]

>> if __name__ = '__main__':
>> ...  main()

> If it's JUST for unit tests, I'd expect no main(), but instead to have
> it go straight into unittest.main(). IMO, the construct you show there
> implies three things:
> 1) This module is intended to be run from the command line
> 2) This module is intended to be imported by other modules
> 3) If imported by another module, this can also be invoked as if it
>    were the top-level app.

I sometimes create a main function out of habit even if I can't
imagine a case #3.

A typical situation that I often encounter is that I write a set of
functions to perform some task(s) via a serial or network connection
using some industrial protocol.  [For example, updating firmware in a

There are often two use cases:

1) It can be used from the command-line as a stand-alone application
   with various command line options and arguments that specify the
   operation[s] to be performed. 

2) It can be imported by a GUI application in order to provide to the
   GUI framework code the functions that can be called to do the
   individual operations.

Even if the real-world end-user use case is purely the GUI one, it's
often far easier and faster to also include a main() for deveopment
and testing of the functions provided to the GUI.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! ONE LIFE TO LIVE for
                                  at               ALL MY CHILDREN in ANOTHER
                              gmail.com            WORLD all THE DAYS OF
                                                   OUR LIVES.


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