The problem was with the validation code.  Within the python section of the 
template, the class IPv4Interface will throw an exception due to the invalid 
value during the validation process. Therefore, the server rejects the form 
data and the template is not created.

Solution: It would work if you add an error handling to the python section of 
the template.

        ## python module-level code
        import ipaddress
    <%def name="get_address(ip_string)">
            return ipaddress.IPv4Interface(ip_string).ip
        except Exception:
            return "FAIL_OR_EMPTY"
    ! Variable Input: ${LAN_IP}
Explanation: During the server-side validation of the HTML form, the 
configuration template is rendered with a dummy parameter set to verify the 
syntax (see file app/, class ConfigTemplateForm). Your config template 
is validated with the following parameter set during the form validation:

        "hostname": "test",
        "LAN_IP": "test"


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