Christopher Reimer <> writes:

> I'm setting up different test environments for tox. I can't find
> Windows installer for the latest version of Python 3.4 on the download
> page.

Python 3.4 is provided in source form only; the Python core developers
no longer generate installers for it.

Anyone who wants to run Python 3 older than 3.5, needs to find a way
themselves to build and install it; that's the trade-off for wanting an
old version :-)

> Testing on Python 3.4 might be moot for my program. It choked on a
> starred expression in a unit test. The starred expression got changed
> in Python 3.5 and my unit tests pass in Python 3.5/3.6. I don't think
> I can live without that feature.

That sounds reasonable. If you can declare Python 3.4 is not supported
by your app, your support job becomes easier.

 \            “Without cultural sanction, most or all of our religious |
  `\          beliefs and rituals would fall into the domain of mental |
_o__)                                 disturbance.” —John F. Schumaker |
Ben Finney


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