On 10/16/17 12:16 PM, Oren Ben-Kiki wrote:
That doesn't explain why `del` isn't a method though. Intuitively,
`my_dict.delete(some_key)` makes sense as a method. Of course, you could
also make the same case for `len` being a method... and personally I think
it would have been cleaner that way in both cases. But it is a minor issue,
if at all.
I guess the answer is a combination of "historical reasons" and "Guido's
It would still need to be a statement to allow for:
del x
since "x.del()" wouldn't affect the name x, it would affect the value x
refers to.
On Mon, Oct 16, 2017 at 6:58 PM, Stefan Ram <r...@zedat.fu-berlin.de> wrote:
Xue Feng <xf.lo...@yahoo.com> writes:
I wonder why 'del' is not a function or method.
x = 2.
When a function »f« is called with the argument »x«,
this is written as
f( x )
. The function never gets to see the name »x«, just
its boundee (value) »2«. So, it cannot delete the
name »x«.
Also, the function has no access to the scope of »x«,
and even more so, it cannot make any changes in it.
Therefore, even a call such as
f( 'x' )
will not help much.