On Sun, Oct 15, 2017 at 9:15 PM, bartc <b...@freeuk.com> wrote:
> On 15/10/2017 03:10, Stefan Ram wrote:
>>    I made an error I made a thousand times before.
>>    I had programmed an endless loop.
>>    But never did I see before so clear why it's called
>>    an endless loop. (Tested in IDLE.)
>> from turtle import *
>> reset(); reset(); shape( 'turtle' ); showturtle()
>> def poly( n, length ):
>>      i = 0
>>      while i < n:
>>          forward( length )
>>          left( 360/n )
>> poly( 5, 100 )
>> done()
> I assume you're talking about the while-loop (because on my machine, it
> hangs just using 'from turtle...' or 'import turtle').
> That looks to be a repeat-N-times loop. There isn't a dedicated statement
> for that, the closest Python feature would be 'for i in range(n)' with i a
> dummy loop variable.

You can use that or "for _ in range(n)" as a pretty effective form of
that loop. I've never had a problem with it. Python doesn't need
another type of loop.


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