On Wed, 24 Aug 2005 04:10:07 -0400, "Terry Reedy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
>> We are working on a project to decipher a record structure of an old
>> accounting system that originates from the late80's mid-90's.
>> We have come across a number format that appears to be a "float" but
>> doesn't match any of the more standard implementations.
>> so we are hoping this is a recognizable number storage format with an
>> identifiable name AND pre-built conversion method
>> similiar to the "struct" modules available in python.

<moved from top-posted position>
>This appears to be a repost, perhaps not by the op but due to a glitch 
>somewhere, of a question posted about a month ago and answered.
UIAM the more or less recent original you are thinking of turned out to be
straight IEEE double format, and I think this is not, though I think it looks
like one that was answered (by me ;-) quite a while ago (Dec 1 2003).

Bengt Richter

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