On 10/5/17, Chris Angelico <ros...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 5, 2017 at 12:24 PM, Stefan Ram <r...@zedat.fu-berlin.de> wrote:
>>   One might wish to implement a small language with these commands:
>> F - move forward
>> B - move backward
>> L - larger stepsize
>> S - smaller stepsize
>>   . One could start with the following pseudocode for a dictionary:
>> { 'F': lambda: myturtle.forward( s ),
>>   'B': lambda: myturtle.backward( s ),
>>   'L': lambda: global s; s *= 2,
>>   'S': lambda: global s; s /= 2 }
>>   . But lambda-expressions cannot contain statements.
>>   Any other suggestions?
> There are a few options here. One is to make use of a simple
> "collector decorator":
> commands = {}
> def cmd(f):
>     commands[f.__name__.upper()] = f
>     return f
> @cmd
> def f():
>     myturtle.forward( s )
> @cmd
> def b():
>     myturtle.backward( s )
> @cmd
> def l():
>     global siz
>     size *= 2
> @cmd
> def s():
>     global siz
>     size //= 2
> (Also untested, but the pattern is one I've used many times.)
> Another is to deploy the whole thing as a class, with no globals:
> class Turtle:
>     def __init__(self):
>         self.size = ...
>         self.turtle = ...
>     def cmd_F(self):
>         self.turtle.forward(self.size)
>     def cmd_B(self):
>         self.turtle.backward(self.size)
>     def cmd_L(self):
>         self.size *= 2
>     def cmd_S(self):
>         self.size //= 2
> Note that I've added "cmd_" in front of the names, which means you can
> safely getattr(turtle, "cmd_" + letter) and be confident you won't
> accidentally grab something that isn't a command.
> (Note also that I used // for division. If your size is actually a
> float, then change those back to single slashes.)
> Either of these patterns would work fairly well. There are others,
> too, but I'd be inclined to use one of these.
> ChrisA
> --
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

size = 2*size if size else 1

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