Adam Atlas wrote:
> Never mind... I've found a workable solution:
> Robert, thanks, I'll still check that out for any future projects; but
> for my current purpose, it seems overkill. But I don't know for sure;
> assuming BaseHTTPServer is good enough for my current needs aside from
> its lack of threading, does PooledThreadedServer have any advantages
> over the method I linked above?

The biggest difference (and you can decide whether it's an advantage for
your environment or not) is that the ThreadingMixin starts a new thread
for each request, while CherryPy's PooledThreadedServer uses a thread
pool. That is, you start some number of threads (say, 10) when you start
the server, and those threads serve all requests as they are able.

The big advantage I was secretly hoping for was that you'd read up on
CherryPy and discover it already does what you want. ;)

Robert Brewer
System Architect
Amor Ministries

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