Stephan Houben wrote:
Op 2017-09-23, Rick Johnson schreef <>:
These pissing contests over how values are passed in Python
are totally irrelevant. What does it matter? Nothing will be
gained or lost by arguing over which is true, or not. Unless
the distinction is preventing you from doing something that
you'd like to do, or unless you want to argue that one
"value passing method" would bring X, Y or Z benefits over
the other, what does it matter?
All one has to do, I think, is consider (1) that passing objects by
"making copies" of them, would be prohibitively expensive and consider
that something else has to happen as an alternative, and (2) understand
that in Python, objects don't have names, they have references (which
have names). The rest could be "implementation dependent" (no?) To be
amusing, how did the chicken pass an egg to
the_other_side_of_the_road(e)? Could the egg get crushed (stay tuned)?